Daan Dam, Berlin


First of all, may you please introduce yourself?
hello, my name is Daan Dam and I am 23 years old currently based in berlin originally from the netherlands.

We absolutely love the photographs you made for the Indie Magazine, how did you come up with the ideas for each model?
first of all thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with kono film, the shoots that I did with kono were for a weekly article on INDIE-mag.com (model to watch started by @oliveduran) in this article up and coming models do a little interview and shoot. i always tried to portray the models as natural as possible since its an article about them and not something like an editorial, so to shoot them i just went out in various neighbourhoods in london (also in berlin and amsterdam. but the ones shot with kono film were in london) and just walked around with them and tried to find nice locations to shoot. so there was never a complicated concept for any of these three shoots.

What are your favorite subjects, is your focus on fashion photography?
my favourite subject is actually street photography, although i love doing fashion work, there is nothing more inspiring than the vibrance and diversity of the streets, I also love photographing everybody around me, often i even know beforehand that, that photo i’m about to take of my friend will be nothing special (nothing for an exhibition or to be published) but i just feel i have to take them because of the memory it will give me forever.

What cameras do you use preferably?
I am currently using a contax t2, my camera before that was a Konica hexar AF this one sadly broke. the hexar AF is my favourite camera i have used so far and i still miss it till this day. hopefully one day i can buy one again. I also dream of one day owning a contax g2.

What do you wish, where the development in photography goes?
for me personally i hope i can keep on developing my eye for streetphotography and meet more amazing people through photoshoots, and who knows one day hopefully i can make a living out of it. for photography in general (and then mainly in fashion photography) i hope that there will finally be more diversity with models, instead of girls and boys all looking the same. i also hope this disgusting obsession with photoshopping peoples faces and bodies to make people look more skinny and clear skinned, i feel this is a big part of all the complexes young people have about themselves nowadays.

What or who influenced your style the most?
I dont really know a lot of other photographers but Daniel Arnold is defenitly a big inspiration, and the documentary everybody street really really inspired me to become a street photographer.

Where can we learn more about you and your work?
i have a more candid side project called BERLINBEERGOGGLES this started out as me wanting to portray the lifestyle of youth that parents will not see mixed with grimey street life, I am now mixing in more classical street photography as well. I dont have a real website yet, but i try to show a nice mix of my work on my instagram @daantjedamage i would like to finish up by giving a big shout out to my girlfriend and stylist/partner in all my fashionwork @oliveduran she is an amazing editor and stylist and everybody should check out her amazing work for indie magazine and obviously her amazing instagram
Donnika Anderson
Elliot Jay Brown
Pippa Melody

Daan´s photographies: